Thursday, August 9, 2012

Steven Malk and Jon Klassen

Jon Klassen - study for Coraline
The SCBWI 2012 Summer Conference introduced me to Jon Klassen (whose work I admired for years but never really attached his name to it) and Steven Malk. Who is Steven Malk? I saw them set up books at the table for Jon's workshop but they were all Jon's books. So, Steven must have forgotten his books. Man, am I naive.

Steven Malk is Jon Klassen's agent. Here's some more naivete. I figured this guy just had Jon as client. He looked so young. In fact, with his suit and Bryl-creemed hair, he looked like a handsome young cross between anyone on Mad Men and Harry Connick, Jr. See, I had no idea how awesome agents can be, how much work they do for their clients, how much they love the craft. Steven Malk is a world-class agent. During acceptance speeches at the conference I heard several thank-yous "to my agent, Steven Malk." So, I looked him up. He only represents nobodies like Jon Scieszka, Lane Smith, Sara Pennypacker, and Adam Rex, to name a very few. The guy's a superstar. Maybe one day I'll be good enough to have him as an agent. One can dream.

Anyway, he and Jon talked about the process from concept to book awards of making I Want My Hat Back, with insights on the growth of a story-teller/illustrator and what comes after. I have a lot to say about what Jon taught me during the conference, so much that it will have to be a nice long post of its own. So stay tuned.

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